Natural Coarse Table Salt, Premium Quality
Sourced from the depths of the sea, this salt retains its uniqueness and richness in minerals. Harvested from the deep sea layers near Yoronto Island of the Amami-Oshima Archipelago (Okinawa), it is a true natural wonder with numerous beneficial properties. Carefully crafted using an ancient method in flat cauldrons, this salt preserves all its natural value.
Chemical Composition (per 100 g):
- Potassium (K) – 236 mg
- Calcium (Ca) – 1150 mg
- Magnesium (Mg) – 607 mg
- Copper (Cu) – 0.01 mg
Nutritional Value (per 100 g):
- Energy Value – 0 Kcal
- Protein – 0 g
- Fat – 0 g
- Carbohydrates – 0 g
Package Weight: 200 g
This salt is not only exquisitely tasty but also incredibly beneficial. It has a soft, slightly sweet taste that perfectly complements dishes without overpowering their flavor. It is rich in high-quality minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are easily absorbed by the body and actively support its functions.
Product Benefits:
- Soft and pleasant salty-sweet taste.
- Enriched with essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
- High bioavailability – the minerals are absorbed by the body in their natural form.
- Regular consumption helps improve blood circulation, maintain electrolyte balance, and strengthen the immune system.
- Increases the body's resistance to infections.
- Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other bodily systems.
Preparation Technology:
The salt is made using an ancient method: seawater is slowly evaporated in flat cauldrons, maintaining uniform temperature across the surface and throughout the liquid. This process allows the salt to crystallize in a way that preserves all its beneficial minerals while acquiring a distinctly salty taste with a soft sweet aftertaste. The salt dissolves instantly in water, adding both refined flavor and health benefits to any dish.
How to Use:
Perfect for sprinkling on finished dishes. Do not subject to heat treatment in order to preserve its full beneficial properties.
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